Home Birth


Why home birth? This is a good question. Here in the United States home birth is done an average of 2% of the time. Almost 90% of home birth are planned. Giving birth outside of a hospital has become more common in the U.S. recently. This option usually involves the participation of trained midwives in a low risk, healthy pregnancies.

Could home birth be for me? There are qualifications for home birth.

  • You are having a healthy, low risk pregnancy

  • You want to avoid an episiotomy, cesarean section, epidural and other similar interventions.

  • You want to share the experience with family.

  • You want to be free to move around, change positions, take a shower, and eat or drink freely during labor.

  • You want to enjoy the comforts of your home and familiar surroundings.

The Midwife will bring the following with them the day of deliver:

  • Oxygen for the mother or baby if needed.

  • IV’s for mom if she becomes dehydrated or needs additional nutrients.

  • Sterile gloves, gauze pads, cotton hat for the baby, drop cloths, waterproof covers for the bed, a thermometer, sitz baths for after the birth.

  • Fetoscopes and stethoscopes

  • Medications to slow or stop hemorrhage

  • Special herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies, massage supplies.

  • Items for suturing perineum tears.

  • Everything for a thorough cleanup after all is said and done.

Situations where Home Birth is not possible:

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetic

  • Preterm Labor before 37 weeks gestation

  • Heart disease

  • Seizures/Asthma

  • Thyroid disease

  • Kidney disease